# Error handling

# Introduction

This section outlines the error codes that may appear in message level responses generated by Pagero Online.

These codes represent our internal status for a given document. It is important to note that third-party responses will generate a generic Delivery result error since we cannot determine the exact cause of the error.

Additionally, a descriptive code text will always accompany the error code for further clarification.

Please be aware that the descriptions provided below are general explanations of the error codes and may not exactly match the code text in the actual technical response.

Furthermore, as our system evolves, new error codes may be introduced. This documentation will be updated accordingly to reflect any additional codes and their descriptions.

# Error codes overview

Pagero error code range Categorization Description
10xxx Attachment & print Error regarding attachments.
Pagero Online system errors Pagero Online system errors.
Document content error Document content error.
Format validation error Format validation error.
Pagero Online validation error Pagero Online validation error.
Compliance error Compliance error.
26xxx Factoring error Factoring error.
27xxx Clearance error Clearance error.
Routing error Routing error.
30xxx Manual error Manual error.
40xxx Delivery result error Delivery result error.

# Full error code reference list

# Attachment & print errors

Pagero error code Description
10100 Attachment is missing.
10200 Duplicate legal presentation.
10300 Attachment is empty.
10400 Attachment max size exceeded.
10500 PDF out of bounds for print.
10600 Attachment matching service error.
10700 Unsupported font for print.
10800 Print service requires presentation PDF.

# Pagero Online system errors

Pagero error code Description
11100 Duplicate control mandatory.
11200 Duplicate invoice number.
11300 Duplicate interchangeid.
11400 Sender party not equals customer GLN.
11500 Sender party not equals customer name.
11600 Sender party not equals customer no id.
11700 Sender party not equals customer org no.
11800 Sender party not equals customer VAT no.
12100 Logotype waiting add approval.
12200 Logotype waiting delete approval.
12300 User not allowed to send for customer.
12400 Duplicate invoice number.
12500 To many documents in batch.
13200 No business document found.
13300 No data found.

# Document content errors

Pagero error code Description
14100 Invalid due date.
14200 Invalid invoice row amount.
14300 Invalid OCR (Payment reference)
14400 Invalid total net amount.
14500 Invalid total net amount, no net amount.
14600 Invalid total amount.
14700 Invalid vat amount.
14800 Missing invoice date.
14900 Buyer VAT registration Country Code missing.
15100 Seller VAT registration Country Code missing.
15200 Document type missing.
15300 No net amount in movable direction.

# Format validation errors

Pagero error code Description Format name
18100 Schematron validation failure. General
18200 Xml validation failed for VAN. General
18300 Missing organization number. BGC Invoice
18400 Missing value in invoice. General
18500 Xml validation failed. General
18501 Article unitCode missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18502 Booking date missing. AdsML
18503 Buyer postal address missing. Pagero Original Print
18504, 18505 Buyer street name missing. Finvoice
18506 Buyer Tax Code invalid. FatturaPA
18507 BuyerLineItemNum missing. xCBL
18508 BuyerOrganisationUnitNumber misplaced. Finvoice
18509 Post Code not valid. FatturaPA
18510 CodiceDestinatario incorrect FatturaPA
18511, 18512 CodiceDestinatario missing FatturaPA
18513 Currency Code missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18514 Date format incorrect FatturaPA
18515 Date pattern invalid. xCBL
18517, 18518 Due Date missing. BGC Invoice
18521 Tax Amount missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18522 Invocie Row missing. Finvoice
18524 Tax Amount missing. cXML
18525 invoiceNetAmountHUF missing in invoiceVatAmount. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18527 Invoice Rows missing. FatturaPA
18528 Note Number Invalid. FatturaPA
18529 Namespace missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18530 Order Reference ID missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18531 PenalitaPagamentiRitardati Invalid. FatturaPA
18532 Invoice Line missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18533 Post code City missing. FatturaPA
18534 Invalid PrezzoTotale. FatturaPA
18535, 18536 Bank Details missing. Finvoice
18537 Bank Details missing. TEAPPS
18538 Seller Or Buyer Street missing. cXML
18539 Seller PostCode missing. Finvoice
18540 Seller street/post box missing. FatturaPA
18541 Invoice Line missing. Svefaktura 1.0
18542 Taxable Amount missing. Peppol BIS / UBL
18543 Invalid DeliveryOrganisationTaxCode. Finvoice
18544 Town missing. FatturaPA
18545 TaxSubtotal incomplete. Tungsten Master Map
18546 Unit of measure missing. xCBL
18549 Zero rate VAT not allowed, header. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18550 Zero rate VAT not allowed, line. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18551 summaryGrossData missing invoiceGrossAmountHUF. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18552 vatRateNetData missing vatRateNetAmountHUF. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18553 vatRateVatData missing vatRateVatAmountHUF. invoiceData XML (Hungary)
18554 Order- or Buyer reference missing. Peppol BIS / UBL

# Pagero Online validation errors

Pagero error code Description
20100 Validation stop command.
20200 Validation stop command resolvable.
20300 Too many characters in invoice number.
20400 Non numerical invoice number.
20500 Invalid currency.
20600 Invalid country code.
20700 Invalid input in document.

# Compliance errors

Pagero error code Description
24100 Attachment with digsig type restricted by compliance.
24200 Attachment with digsig type restricted by country.
24300 Attachment with digsig type restricted by service provider.
24400 Compliance validation failure.

# Factoring errors

Pagero error code Description
26100 Missing customer provided information.
26200 More than one document in batch.
26300 Not accepted by factoring provider.

# Clearance errors

Pagero error code Description
27100 Clearance rejected.
27200 Clearance validation error.

# Routing errors

Pagero error code Description
28100 Issuer not approved.
28200 Issuer not approved.
28300 Missing sender Electronic ID.
28400 Recipient not found in registry.
28500 Recipient not found.
28600 Recipient connection needs routing.
28700 Recipient connection not found.
28800 Recipient not active.
28900 Recipient not found.
29000 Recipient not reachable.
29100 Recipient request not yet approved.
29200 Routing request not yet approved.
29300 Service provider required id missing.
29400 Transit communication not allowed.

# Manual errors

Pagero error code Description
30100 Message to user.
30200 Message to service provider.
30300 General Validation error.

# Delivery result errors

Pagero error code Description
40100 General delivery result error.
40101 Invalid email address (Resolvable).
40102 Invalid buyer order number (Resolvable).
40103 Invalid personal contact name (Resolvable).
40104 Invalid receiver reference value1 (Resolvable).
40105 Invalid receiver reference value2 (Resolvable).
40106 Invalid department (Resolvable).