# Freight invoice

Freight invoice is a document sent normally by a carrier to a freight buyer. It supports information such as Logistic service, all additional fees separated, point of origin, name of the shipper, the shipment’s dimensions, and a lot more freight specific elements.

This extended Invoice format for freight can be used to perform and automate the process of advanced freight invoice audit.

# Introduction

# Recommended formats

Below is a list of transport instruction formats recommended by us.

# Pagero UN/EDIFACT D96A Freight INVOIC

UN/EDIFACT is an international standard for electronic data interchange (EDI) developed for the United Nations and approved and published by UNECE, the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

The EDIFACT standard provides a set of syntax rules to structure, an interactive exchange protocol and provides a set of standard messages which allow multi-country and multi-industry exchange of electronic business documents. EDIFACT is widely used across Europe, mainly due to the fact that many companies adopted it very early on.

More general information can be found here UNECE: Introducing UN/EDIFACT.

We develop and maintain our own Message Implementation Guidelines (MIG) for UN/EDIFACT D96A.

Example files

# Customer specific formats

We can build support for any proprietary/closed source format you and your ERP system may require.

For more information, please see the proprietary or closed source formats section.