# Token revocation

# Introduction

Token revocation is a mechanism that allows users to invalidate or revoke tokens that have been issued to clients.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. The client makes a request to revoke a token using the client credentials.
  2. The given token will be invalidated, and a response will be received with the 200 status.

The different steps are described in detail below.

# Revoking an access token

To revoke a token, the following URL should be used:

Required query parameters:

Parameter Description
token OAuth token.

Required headers:

Header Description
Authorization Authorization header for basic authorization, where the user should be the client id and password should be the client secret.

# Example

Example with curl
curl --location 'https://sso.pageroonline.com/oauth/v2/oauth-revoke' \
  -d 'token=_1XBPWQQ_343bda39-0d5b-4702-9ce3-46fc3fb984d8'
  --user 'client_id:client_secret'

The empty response will be received with the 200 status.