# Pagero connectivity tool kit

# Introduction

Pagero connectivity tool kit is a collection of tools and guides for integrating with Pagero Network. The ambition is to share as much information and resources as possible to make it easy to get connected and start exchanging business documents electronically!

# Pagero Network: The global network for automated business transactions

Connect once — reach everybody. With Pagero, you can directly exchange electronic invoices and other business documents in a way that's secure, compliant and automated.

Advantages of connecting to the Pagero Network:


Connect regardless of systems or digital capabilities.

Reach all your business partners via a single connection.

Ensure regulatory compliance in all markets.

Integrate easily and seamlessly with any system.

# Features

This site includes useful information about getting started with your Pagero journey, what communication protocols we support and their technical details, everything you need to know about electronic business formats, our REST APIs and any additional functionality that may be relevant when connecting to Pagero Network.

You will also find a section describing country compliance with compliance reports, content recommendations and more, a section about platform updates and how to get them, a FAQ, a changelog as well as directions for how to get support.

Please explore the sidebar on the left or use the search function in the top navigation bar to find what you´re looking for.

# Popular links

Here are shortcuts to our most popular links/sections to quickly get you started.

# Pagero Platform Updates

Here you will find information about how to get automated notifications relating to our various services, business formats, compliance alerts and much more.

# Pagero Universal Format

Pagero Universal Format (PUF) is a suite of electronic business document specifications developed and maintained by us. PUF is based on Universal Business Language (UBL).

The core idea of PUF is to enable its users to provide enough data to meet requirements, regulations and business needs in markets around the world.

# Pagero Document Validator

We offer a free-to-use document validation tool which can be used to easily validate the structure, syntax and business level requirements of a wide variety of electronic business formats.

# Pagero REST APIs

Our web APIs allows applications to integrate seamlessly with Pagero Network. The APIs are based on REST principles with resources represented in JSON format.

# Pagero certificates & public keys

Download our current certificates and public keys used in AS2, HTTPS and SFTP communication setups.

For more content, please see the sidebar on the left.

# Get support

We offer 24/7 support in multiple languages and communication channels.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions; please contact us via the link below.

Get support